Monday, July 10, 2023

Faith in God's Promise

"Know that I am with you; 
I will protect you wherever you go, and bring you back to this land. 
I will never leave you until I have done what I promised you.” 
GENESIS 28 : 15

Father in heaven, You are my God, the source of all that I am and all that I have. You hold my future in your hands and only you knows what I will become. Praise be to Your Name now and forever!

As You have promised, You have given me the land that I have longed and wish for. Today, You speak of further increasing or expanding the land that You will give me. I may not still know what this means since I am not yet fully settled in our own land but I am excited to see where You will truly bring me and my family. 

Only you can give the land that I seek and desire. You have promised to give me a land and I just rest upon your will and perfect time. May my faith in you grow stronger each day as I journey towards the land you have promised. I just continue to rest upon Your grace and protection, fully surrendering my faith and destiny into the palm of Your hands. 
Make me a channel of your blessings, a living witness of your love and greatness and a good example of a child of God who is richly blessed in every way. Thank you so much for giving me your Son, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in whom all good things come. 

With much hope and faith I pray, in Jesus Name.


Lord, I live by faith in you.

Nothing can separate me from the love you have for me.

You have given me a blessing of oneness with you, so that in everything I do and work for, you will be honored and glorified.
He is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred which redeems them from the transgressions under the first covenant (Hebrews 9:15).